Hugh v. Colin in battle of Bridget: Round 2
i loved this section?
it's the most classic part of Bridget film, and everyone knows that this is a must, or what we called "Tradition", between Hugh and Colin, Daniel and Mark in the film of course! And it's always being so funny! :p
●Here's the fight, again! See the following conversations!
Daniel: [While taping his TV programme] If you want something smooth put on your wall...... he's about the only painter who can actually paint!
[Then Mark showed up...]
Daniel: Sorry everyone sorry, it's my stalker.
Daniel: Fuck off, Darcy, some people have jobs to do, you know!
Mark: I'm only going to ask you one more time............
Daniel: You're only gonna ask me one more time?
Daniel: You haven't got your wig on now, dear! ****[as a judge]XDXDXD
Mark: I'll take that as a Yes.
[Mark asked Daniel for details...]
Daniel: I thought she was smuggling seashells or mangoes or something else!
Mark: Will you step outside please?
Daniel: Oh no, it's not possible!
Daniel: Darcy, do you have any idea what century we actually live in?
Mark: Are you gonna step outside or am gonna have to drag you?
Daniel: I think you're gonna have to drag me!
[Started to fight!!]
Daniel: I'm not going in the sodding water!
Daniel: You smug bastard!!!
Daniel: What're you gonna do now? Drown me in 16 inches of water?
Mark: Yes, good idea!
Daniel: I left her at the airport, I shouldn't have done that.
Daniel: And I didn't fucking well seduce her, all right?
Daniel: She's gone all frigid!
Daniel: I spent the night with a gorgeous Thai girl.
Daniel: Who in fact turned out to be a gorgeous Thai boy.....
Daniel: Satisfied?
Mark: Yes, thank you.
Daniel: You know what, mate?
Daniel: If you're so obsessed with Bridget Jones, why don't you just marry her?
[Mark stared at Daniel, didn't say a word...]
Daniel: Cos then she'd definitely shag me!!!
[Mark turned back, and chased Daniel again!!!] XXXXXXD
PS: Loved this one so much indeed!!!
liked all the casts, Hugh especially+