Location: Taipei, Taiwan

16 May, 2006

bluh bluh

Still 25 working days to go!
Then it's summer, which means, "HOLIDAYS!!!"
Cool! Can't stop thinking of it.XD

I meant not to be mean to'em those who were considered "shallow" by me, simply can't stand their senseless and numb behaviour, my response was so clear and easy to be understood, "that I DO NOT think you're handling any thing well! (Could you just piss off?)" but they seemed not to see, rather, chose not to face their foolishness. Meseems it isn't wise to be a conformist, the only thing I can help is to say to'em 'sod off, bugger!'

God bless the 3rd operation this July would be fine, bless the process to be smooth, bless the result to be acceptable. God bless me, God bless us all.


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